The Pros and Cons of Wearing a Mens Spandex Bodysuit



I enjoy wearing my mens spandex bodysuit whenever I get the chance, but that usually doesn’t happen very often. I have been working so much lately that I don’t really get the chance to enjoy my bodysuit as much as I would like. So when I do it’s an all or nothing type of thing for me. As soon as I put my bodysuit on, I become a completely different man. It’s like all the stress in the world melts off my shoulders and I can finally enjoy a few moments of complete freedom from it all.

I have tried wearing my mens spandex bodysuit while I am working, but I have to focus on what I am doing and that isn’t possible when wearing my bodysuit. I tend to drift off now and then and think about what I am wearing more than anything else. It has actually gotten me in a bit of trouble on occasion. So I stopped wearing it to work because it was just too relaxing for me. Strange how something like that could be an issue for a guy like me, but it is what it is I guess.

When I do get a chance to wear my mens spandex bodysuit, I usually just sit around the house and enjoy the moment. I have tried going out to clubs and things of that nature, but I feel like people are staring at me. I know I am being paranoid about it, but some people just don’t understand why a guy would wear something like this. Of course I don’t have a partner right now because it’s difficult to find someone in my area that would understand wearing a bodysuit. I do keep looking, though, just in case I find that miracle person that I can spend the rest of my life with. Maybe that person would also get into wearing a bodysuit with me.


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Wearing My Mens Spandex Bodysuit to Work

I wore my mens spandex bodysuit to work the other day and got a kick out of the creations. We had a casual dress day where we could wear whatever we wanted to wear in order to feel relaxed. I chose to wear my bodysuit but I also took some jeans and a t-shirt just in case it caused any problems. Since I am basically the office clown, most of the people thought it was funny. There was one person in the office that didn’t seem to find it as amusing as the others and I think it’s because he has one at home.

Even my boss thought it was funny when I walked in wearing my mens spandex bodysuit, which is odd because he is usually the one in the office that has no sense of humor at all. But he made a few comments about my bodysuit that showed me he was human after all and not the unemotional robot that the rumors had been saying all these years. The hardest part of wearing my bodysuit to work was the bus ride downtown, though, since most of those people didn’t know it was casual dress day and simply thought I was a complete fool.

I could have worn the other mens spandex bodysuit that I have at home, but I don’t think they would have approved of the modifications I made to it. I’m quite sure that they would have drawn the line at casual dress when they saw my cock flopping around out of my bodysuit. It probably would have scared them that I added a hood to the suit in order to hide my face. In fact, they most likely would have called the cops on me if I walked in wearing that suit. But the one that I did wear was well received and I will be wearing it again real soon.


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